(513) 424-0821

Roads Department

Our Mission

Every Madison Township Road Department employee is committed to performing, to the best of their ability, to provide the safest vehicular and pedestrian travel possible for citizens utilizing Madison Township’s designated right-of-way. The Madison Township Road Department employees act respectfully and respond to the public’s needs, concerns, and complaints when within the scope of the Road Department’s duties.

Hello and welcome to the Madison Township Road Department!

The Road Maintenance Building is located at 5610 West Alexandria Road. Middletown, OH. 45042.

The Road Department is made up of four full-time employees. Our main goal is to provide the residents of Madison Township with safe and well-maintained roadways. We manage culverts, ditches, road signage, guardrails, roadside mowing, Madison Township Community Park, five cemeteries, snow & ice control, and general maintenance on township-owned facilities. Please be cautious when you see our work crews out on the roadways. Feel free to contact me with any concerns about our roads or anything you feel we could help with. Phone (513) 424-0821 opt. 2, cell (513) 783-2685 or email: [email protected]

Your Road Superintendent,
Johnny Cassidy

Johnny Cassidy stands beside a US flag wearing a gray hoodie and a baseball cap.

For Roadway Assistance Reach out to the Applicable Office: (see table below)

ODOT- Ohio District of Transportation, please call 513-863-6609.

BCEO – Butler County Engineer’s Office, please call 513-867-5744.

BCSO – Butler County Sheriff’s Office, please call at 513-785-1300

In the event of an Emergency always CALL 911

Township Roads

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 * If your street is not on this list, it is either privately owned and maintained, or it is under development, and the maintenance responsibilities are with the developer of the street.


The Madison Township Road Department is funded through taxes on gasoline, license plates, and inside millage from the Township’s General fund, along with a tax levy strictly for roads. The township-owned roadway system is easily the most valuable asset within the township.

An essential source of income for the Ross Township Road Department is the money you pay to the State of Ohio each year for your vehicle license plates. The Road Department receives $5.00 for each vehicle (cars, trucks, motorcycles, motor homes, trailers, etc.) registered to a Madison Township resident. Be sure to inform the Deputy Registrar that you are a Madison Township resident. If your vehicle is not registered to a Madison Township address, other jurisdictions (usually the cities of Middletown or Hamilton) will enjoy the benefits of your tax dollars. So please ensure that the Registrar knows you live in Madison Township so we can continue providing you the services you deserve.

Drainage Issues

Who is responsible for drainage problems?

Stormwater and storm sewer lines on Township roads:
Madison Township Road Dept.: (513) 424-0821 x 2.

Stormwater and storm sewer lines on County Roads:
County Engineer’s Office: (513) 867-5744

Other stormwater and storm line problems:
Butler County Stormwater Office: (513) 785-4101

Who maintains creeks?

Creek maintenance has never been Madison Township’s responsibility. Most creeks that flow in the Township are privately owned, and the homeowner is responsible for keeping them debris-free. Some creeks may be under County Stormwater control. Contact the Butler County Stormwater Division via the number above.

Winter Storms

Snow & Ice Removal Tips

​​During any snow or ice storm, the Road Department requests that all vehicles refrain from parking on the roadway. In this way, we can most effectively perform our task for you.

​This is especially true during a township-defined snow emergency, generally when 2+ inches of snow have accumulated on the pavement. When a snow emergency exists, please remove your vehicle from the street. This aids us in our snowplowing efforts in several ways. It helps us do a better job and prevents your vehicle from being “plowed in” by the snow that rolls off the edge of the plow as it goes down your street.

​Generally, less than two inches of snowfall are removed by melting with de-icing salt. It takes approximately three hours to treat all successfully maintained streets in the Township once with de-icing salt. Snowfalls of more than two inches must be plowed and salted to remove the snow. This process can take up to five hours, depending on the conditions, and usually, a minimum of two separate passes are needed. Please be patient with this process; we will get to all Township streets.

Helpful Tips to Aid in Snow Removal Operations

​Please do not throw snow from your driveway into the street. This is very hazardous, as well as illegal. Please put the snow back into your yard or in the grass portion of the right-of-way.

Please have all trees adequately trimmed and portable basketball hoops moved back from the street edge to ensure our trucks are not damaged. We need to get as close to the edge of the road as possible to clear the roadway adequately.

​While the road crew is trying to clear the roads and may not have time to answer the phone, leave a message for the Superintendent if the Road Department phone still needs to be answered. It will be returned as soon as possible.

​A tip for residents would be to wait until after the plow has cleared your street to shovel your driveway, this way you are only shoveling your driveway apron once.

​​Parking in cul-de-sacs hinders the plowing process for our drivers.

​Stay off the roads unless absolutely necessary.

Stay away from a salt truck; it is challenging for the driver to see someone following too closely behind. Allow a minimum of 100 feet behind the truck. You never know when a driver must stop and back up for any reason.

​Advise your children that it is very difficult for a driver to see them playing in or near the roadways while plowing and that our drivers may change direction at any time.

County-Wide Emergency Levels

​LEVEL ONE emergency means road conditions are a cause for concern, and motorists should be cautious.

​LEVEL TWO emergency means that hazardous conditions exist, and motorists should only drive when necessary. Unlike a level three emergency, however, no citations are issued to motorists for using the roads.

​LEVEL THREE emergency means all streets are closed to non-emergency personnel. Non-emergency drivers may be subject to a citation. Vehicles abandoned on county or township roadways will be removed from the path of snowplows at the owner’s expense.

​For more information, visit the OCSWA Snow Emergency Classifications web page.

The Road Department appreciates your patience & understanding during all snow emergencies.

Madison Twp.

Butler County, Ohio

Main: (513) 424-0821

Fax: (513) 424-4659

Non-Emergency Fire Dept:         (513) 424-3384

Administration Building

5610 West Alexandria Rd. Middletown, OH 45042       Hours: 8am - 12pm M-F

Call 911

for Emergencies